Website translation – why is it different?

You’re just back at your desk from a meeting, motivated, full of energy, and inspired by this new assignment you’ve been given. As part of its efforts to enter new markets, your company is planning to set up a German version of its existing English-language website. Great responsibility, high visibility… but you lack experience. As a client, you’re familiar with the general process of having documents translated by a contracted agency, but this is the first time you need to deal with a website. All you have is a URL address and no clue about how to kick off this project.

No Word file, no worries

First, you need a quote for the work, a timeline, and then someone to help you set up an action plan.
The first question of any professional language service provider will be the volume. Who can tell how many words there are on the umpteen subpages of a website? In your mind’s eye you already see yourself copy-pasting the contents of the website into a Word document. The good news is that you can spare yourself the trouble. Contact your IT people or website developers instead and ask for the XML files of those pages you need translated into German. There are several other file formats translation agencies can work with, so if XML is not available, all is not lost.
XML files allow your translation partner to generate an analysis of the translatable volume with a click of a button.

One small step in the right direction

Once you know how many words need to be translated, it’s easier to estimate how much time the linguistic work will take, including preparation, translation, proofreading, and an in-house quality check. When creating a timeline, however, it’s recommended to allow for a few extra days and to have an additional step in the process. Instead of completing the entire translation phase in one go, you might want to check a smaller batch – let’s say a few pages – first to make sure the quality, style and wording of the translation meets your expectations. If you’re happy with the taster, you can move on to the full menu. Remember: a company website can include as many as 50,000 words!

The proof of the pudding

XML files contain translatable text along with other types of non-translatable content. Translation tools help the linguist separate the two, and while the English text is replaced by German during the work, all the other content remains unchanged. You can be safe in the knowledge that you receive the translation in the same file format from the agency. This makes developers’ life a lot easier – posting the new language version is as simple as a file import –it saves you time and, most importantly, money.
Before publishing the new pages, don’t forget testing! Functional testing doesn’t require language skills, but it’s something you shouldn’t skip. During linguistic testing the proofreader checks the pages for typos and out-of-context issues and makes necessary amendments such as shortening a caption if it doesn’t fit.

Are we there yet?

When you think “Finally, we’ve got it!”, it’s not yet time to celebrate. Depending on the new audience, you may have to adapt pictures, colours, symbols or even the website layout and site navigation to be culturally appropriate for your new viewers. And what’s the point of having a great website in multiple languages if your customers can’t find you? A successful online presence is unthinkable without SEO translation.

Written by Anita Salát, Communication Manager at Eurideas Language Experts
Connect with Anita on LinkedIn

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The Periodic Table – A Common Language for Science

In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev presented his version of the periodic table of the elements, and this event fundamentally changed the course, not only of chemistry, but of all the natural sciences. To honour the 150th anniversary of this ground-breaking innovation, the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO declared 2019 to be the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.

While the history of the periodic table – like so many things in our culture – harks back to antiquity, the great boom in the discovery of the elements – and, at the same time, the definition of the notion ‘element’ – came in the second half of the 18th century. The first complete list of the elements known in the era was written in 1789 by Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, who first introduced the distinction between metals and non-metals. At the beginning of the 19th century, the scope of discoveries widened and there was a need for an organised overview of the discovered elements. The keyword was periodicity, all the proposed systems tried to find some similarities by which the elements could be catalogued. It was Mendeleev’s system, however, that not only managed to highlight the periodically repeating nature of elements arranged according to their atomic mass, but also succeeded in predicting with great accuracy the position and the attributes of some missing elements that were discovered later (e.g., gallium, germanium).

Nevertheless, the periodic table is not a static idea, as scientists are still working on discovering further elements while predicting new ones based on the regularities of the periodic table. Most of these new elements (like the most recent one, tennessine) are discovered in laboratory conditions and cannot possibly be found in nature. While, at the moment, the element with the largest atomic number is oganesson (118), scientists are looking for new methods (including quantum mechanics) to further expand the table.

The nomenclature of the elements is another interesting aspect of the periodic table. Many names are of Latin and Greek origin (e.g. helium, neon), but surprisingly we can find names with either Arabic (boron), Egyptian (natrium, i.e. sodium), or Anglo-Saxon (lead) roots. Many recently discovered elements are either provided with geographical names (berkelium after Berkeley, California) or names honouring scientists (curium). In the case of new and undiscovered elements, temporary names are regulated by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), which are derived from their atomic number. For example, element 118, oganesson, was once called ununoctium. Nevertheless, all the discovered elements have now received their permanent names and symbols, thus this systematic nomenclature is only relevant for undiscovered elements beyond oganesson.

There are so many exciting aspects of the periodic table that cannot be explored within the framework of a blog entry. The year-long celebration of the 150th anniversary of the periodic table, however, provides many different viewpoints in order to discover the long-lasting effect of Mendeleev’s innovation, from scientific conferences to online quizzes and art projects.

Written by Zsolt Beke

Common heritage, multiple languages: protecting and promoting ‘unity in diversity’

When a language dies, a way of understanding the
world dies with it, a way of looking at the world.
(George Steiner, After Babel, 1975)

Despite their indisputable value, languages around the world are disappearing at a worrying pace. Indigenous languages – the majority of today’s estimated 7000 spoken languages – are the most endangered, as they face challenges relating to migration, educational disadvantage, illiteracy, assimilation, enforced relocation, and other human rights discriminations (UNESCO, 2019). Taking action to raise awareness of the significant contributions Indigenous Languages make to the world’s cultural diversity, in an attempt to ‘mitigate’ this alarming trend, the United Nations recently declared 2019 the Year of Indigenous Languages (IY2019).

Sharing the same concern about the rapid loss of “endangered languages”, the European Union has joined the UN in this endeavor, following up on a 2018 European Parliament Resolution calling for states’ commitment to IY2019 its commitment to promoting less widely used European languages as a contribution to multilingualism, the EU’s support to this initiative is grounded on an understanding of languages as the most direct expression of culture, as part – and constitutive – of “our universal cultural patrimony and of our individual cultural identity”. Respect for linguistic diversity as set out in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Art 22) is a core value of the EU; one that goes hand in hand with respect for the individual, mutual tolerance and acceptance; one that underlies the founding principle of post-war Europe, unity in diversity, and makes it a Community with a shared heritage – where cultural specificities, customs, and beliefs come together exalting each other, rather than being overshadowed.

With 24 official languages and over 60 regional or minority languages (RMLs) spoken by some 40 million people – e.g. Basque, Catalan, Frisian, Saami, Welsh and Yiddish – the EU considers the protection and promotion of RMLs central to constructing a Europe based on democracy and cultural diversity, as recognized in the 1992 European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. To that end, besides its ‘advocacy’ efforts, the EU has engaged in a number of projects. Among these are education-related initiatives – both in terms of access to it and of research facilitating the production of RML teaching materials, RMLs in cyberspace, and support to RMLs media dissemination.

With the Council of Europe declaration of 2001 as the “European Year of Languages”, the “European Day of Languages” also started being celebrated annually on 26 September, in an effort to raise awareness of the importance of linguistic diversity, plurilingualism, and lifelong language learning for “understanding each other […] and to embrace other cultures and ways of life” (Jagland, 2018). The potential embedded in languages for building inclusive society – which is linked to their impact on crucial domains such as education, social and cultural life, economy, science, and technology – is what ultimately makes them essential to human development, sustainable development, good governance, peace and reconciliation, as noted by the UN. Sensitization and appreciation in this regard are still much needed – even more so, at a time where the EU faces a number of challenges that threaten to split partnerships forged over more than half a century.

Written by Daisy Bisoffi

10 most important business languages in global market

As the face of international business changes, so do the languages used to communicate. From professional networking and academic collaboration to transport and traveling, the business world requires business owners to use different languages in order to scale up their companies. Even if you’re a small company and aspiring to sell your services and products to different linguistic backgrounds and cultures, you need to take its content to the next multilingual level.

There are more than 6,000 languages worldwide, and it seems difficult to pick the most critical languages in order to impact your overall earnings. When you think about the languages you would like to learn for your business, your first assessment should be looking at your macro level business goals, core target audiences and think about how you see yourself in the coming years.

Your approach also needs to consider global connectivity and how you manage your global content as you devise a globalization strategy. As a matter of fact, languages such as Russian, French, English, Mandarin, and German have dominated the global landscape for doing business.

But these might not be the only important languages in the future. It is imperative to understand which languages are the most important and useful, which will open pathways for securing the most significant return on investments, and which ones will lead the way in the next 50 years.

If you need help deciding the most important languages for your business, we’ve compiled a handy list of the top 10 languages that will help you in initiating global growth for business and marketing content translation.

#1 English- The Language of Globalization

English is the most influential language of academia and the business world, occupying the top in the field of languages, and spoken by over three-quarters of the world’s population. It is used in 94 countries by 339 million native speakers, and it is the de facto language of the United States and an official language of Australia, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and several other countries, making it an essential language for business owners.

Along with this, the English language also retains the number one spot as the most commonly used language by 53% of websites and internet users with 949 million users. Hence, there is no denying the fact that English is the language of globalization, and crucial for those entrepreneurs who want to thrive on the global stage.

#2 Mandarin- The Language that’s Dying to Spend its Money

The Chinese language is the new boss in town, with the most significant number of native speakers (approximately 983 million speakers), while more than 1.2 billion people understand the Chinese Mandarin dialect. It’s the one that you just can’t miss while talking about the best languages for business, as it is the second most popular language among internet users. If Asian markets continue to expand their internet usage, Chinese could be expected to supplant English as the most widely used internet language soon.

The rationale behind this trend is mainly due to the enormous economic shift that China has gone through in the past three decades, from national trade to international trade ties and cross-border treaties to huge leaps in the field of science and technology. And if this trend continues, analysts predict that China will become the world’s leading economy by 2050.

#3 Spanish- The Language of the Fastest Growing American Market Segment

Believe it or not, the United States has recently been cited as the second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, where an estimated 37.6 million people speak it as their first language. There is no denying that English is the primary language that comes to mind for the USA, but its 50 million Spanish speakers and their small and large businesses might remind you that it’s not the only language spoken in the country.

As the US has the world’s largest economy and the Hispanic population in the US is projected to double by 2050, this makes Spanish enormously important. If you are willing to start your business in the US, or indeed anywhere in the Western hemisphere, Spanish needs to be one of your chosen languages.

#4 German- The Language of European Industrial Strength

With the advancement of technology and networking opportunities, the German economy proves to be one of the strongest and stable within the European Union, with a GDP of over 2.4 trillion Euros. In fact, being able to speak German provides a significant advantage to anyone wanting to pursue international business. The German language is the fourth most used language by nearly 95 million native speakers and a total of 210 million speakers worldwide.

Not only is Germany one of the most populated countries within Europe, but there are also a large number of German-speaking people within the nearby nations of Belgium, Austria, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg. It is also estimated that the ability to speak German could come with a wage increase of about 4%.

#5 Portuguese- A Continent of Opportunity

Portuguese is one of the top 10 most spoken languages in the world and the second most spoken language in Latin America behind Spanish. Portuguese is spoken around 215 million people in Portugal, Brazil and some parts of Africa. As per the statistics, the Portuguese blasted forward with 6% share growth after several flat years and managed to come in fifth, with a whopping 154.5 million speakers.

For professional business owners, Brazil is the main attraction for doing business. Being the most widely cited science base outside the G8, Brazil has many opportunities to capitalize on scientific cooperation and collaboration, including in the areas of pharmaceuticals and energy.

It’s the largest economy in Latin America, and there are some indicators that recovery is on its way in the next year or so, which means business opportunities there will only continue to grow. Portuguese is also gaining popularity in Asia due to the region’s great diplomatic and economic relations with Portugal and the Lusophone countries. So, if you are aspiring to increase your sales and expand your business globally, learning the Portuguese language will be your best choice.

#6 Arabic- The Web’s Fastest-Growing Language

As the official language of many Middle Eastern countries where business opportunities are growing fast, learning Arabic can be a big plus for business owners. The Arabic language is spoken by 295 million speakers worldwide, and it’s the official language of 28 different countries, including many dynamic, growing economies in the Middle East and Africa. In fact, in the UK’s top 50 export market in goods, six Arabic speaking countries appear with a combined value to the economy that surpasses that of China, Italy and Spain. This is why in a report from the British Council, Arabic ranks as the second most important ‘language of the future’.

#7 French- The Former English

French is the official language of over 29 countries throughout the world, and it is the second-most widely spoken first language in the European Union. The colonial history of France has helped spread this language throughout the modern world in the same way as English. This has led to a situation in which there are more non-native French speakers than native speakers.

The French-speaking world also includes Africa, which is proliferating and rich in natural resources. The top 5 fastest-growing African economies include Tanzania, Rwanda, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Cote D’Ivoire, which French is an official language in 3 of them. While it’s not as prevalent globally as it once was, there’s no question that France will remain one of the United Kingdom’s most important trade partners. French language skills are both necessary and essential for businesses here, and it remains one of the top languages to learn.

#8 Japanese

Another Asian language with a bright prospect is Japanese with 130 million native speakers and an equal number of non-native speakers spread out in the world. It’s also the sixth language for internet users with e-commerce sales of $88.06 billion. Being the world’s second largest investor in research and development, Japan is one of the most technologically advanced and integrated nations in the world.

In fact, Japan is renowned as a significant contributor to UK prosperity, both as a substantial investor and an export marketer by the British Council. Although the economy of Japan has revealed some signs of stagnation, it’s pertinent not to dismay the ingenuity of Japanese businesses, where, like Germany, Japan has a reputation for excellence in the science and technology sectors. Japan remains at the forefront of cutting-edge electronics scene and robotics, and speaking Japanese is ideal for many opportunities in these fields.

#9 Russian- The Language of Trade and Diplomacy

With 160 million native speakers throughout central and Eastern Europe and in Russia, it’s the ninth most common language in the world and the second most used in website content after English. Due to the historical power of the Soviet Union, Russian is an official language of the United Nations and cited as the most influential Slavonic language in history. The Russian language is also widely used in many of the post-Soviet states, which provides access to new and up-in-coming business potential.

Russian’s importance is not only due to its large number of native speakers but also to the undeniable political and economic power of Russia. With a deep oil and gas reserves and rich culture, and enormous potential for real estate investment, Russian is one of the best languages to learn for anyone who wants to grow their business into one of the most powerful countries on Earth.

#10 Hindi

Last but not the least, Hindi is the tenth most-spoken language in the world, with 270 million native speakers. But you must be curious why would Hindi be one of the top languages for your localization strategy and business translation? Although India is home to 126 million English speakers, around 85% of the population doesn’t speak English well, and it’s been outpaced by the use of local languages. According to CSA Research report, Hindi increased a massive 67% on the latest on the Top of 100 online languages, mostly due to investment by the government, mobile web penetration, and other initiatives on the subcontinent. All this has set the pace for Hindi on the global stage.


Whether you are hoping to manage a business, improve your international business relations, or just set yourself apart from the mob, learning any one of these languages can give you the competitive edge needed to develop your plans. So what are you waiting for? Optimize your business results with global audiences and gain the first market advantage by learning different languages.



Greta Thunberg: A teen with an impact

If you have only read the news headlines about Greta Thunberg, you might have thought she is just another teenager with a romantic vision and over-enthusiasm to change the world. But what is it about her that makes her climate protection message get through?

The Swedish butterfly-effect

Greta Thunberg has just turned 16 but she’s already among the biggest names in climate protection. The Swedish schoolgirl first made the headlines with her three-week school-skipping protest in front of her country’s parliament before the general elections on September 9, 2018. This solo call-to-action, aimed at Swedish politicians with a concrete demand to meet the carbon emission targets of the Paris Agreement, has since evolved to worldwide school protests. It has also earned her a seat at the table at events like the United Nations’ COP24 climate change summit in Poland and the recent World Economic Forum in Davos.

Natural born climate warrior

Although the most resonant in the media, the parliament protest was not the first and far from the only attempt of Thunberg having her voice heard about climate issues. In May 2018, she has won a prize with her debate article on the topic in Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet and was nominated for Children’s Climate Prize by Telge Energi. Interestingly enough, her family heritage includes a Nobel Prize winner, Svante Arrhenius, who was acclaimed for his work discovering the warming effects of carbon dioxide to the Earth’s surface temperature.

Underage maturity

Thunberg has earned worldwide respect among top global decision-makers as well as climate activists, not mention her own generation, for a reason. She is speaking up as boldly as a 5-year-old, yet has the depth of thought and means of expressions that match those of the 65-year-olds. “You are not mature enough to tell it like it is” she expressed her conviction at the UN climate summit in Poland. Meaning: the “responsible adults” are procrastinating about making painful decisions to save the planet. While it comes handy explaining Thunberg’s boldness and perseverance with her confirmed condition of Asperger’s, her voice is also strengthened by a zeitgeist of empowerment movements and a purposefully used social media toolbox.

Change is coming

Putting a question mark to many common beliefs that exist only to comfort the welfare societies is never an easy task. Nevertheless, Thunberg has stepped up and become a leader of a generation that is considered passive and self-immersive. She challenges the leaders of her country, Sweden, that is considered a preeminent green economy. She is speaking up in a loud background noise of climate-change denial, dominated by US President Donald Trump. We are yet to see if Thunberg’s movement will be able to have a greater impact than the People’s Climate March at the 2014 UN summit but, if the consistency of the currently ignited protests is of any indication, she has a great chance to succeed. A peaceful army of teen activists all around the world has been taking action in Finland, Australia, France, and most recently in Belgium. They are here to let us know that “change is coming, whether you like it or not.”

Written by Anikó Jóri-Molnár

The real #10yearchallenge we all need to care about

A new social media craze, the so-called #10yearchallenge, has taken the Internet by storm, with millions of people posting photos of themselves from 10 years ago to show the world how much they have changed.

The trend initially aimed to foster positivity about ageing and physical appearance. And while showing how much we have “glowed up” over the years is clearly fun, there are more fruitful ways to use the viral hashtag: politicians, EU institutions and charities quickly recognised that the #10yearchallenge is a great opportunity to raise awareness of global issues and convey meaningful messages to the public.

So, here it is, the real #10yearchallenge – straight from Brussels!

What happened in Brussels?

The next European elections will take place in May 2019. Ten years ago, the European Parliament was also preparing for the same elections. A lot has changed since then: over the past 10 years, they have been working on their social presence by growing a supportive and engaging community of more than 2.5 million people on their Facebook page.

Therefore, the institution decided to use the popular challenge to promote their #thistimeimvoting information campaign to raise awareness of the importance of voting.

The European Commission, on the other hand, used the hashtag to look back at important achievements over the past decade. Amongst other things, they highlighted the fact that roaming charges for all EU travellers ended in 2017.

Climate change in focus

A large number of celebrities, charities and institutions stepped up to the challenge to show how much the Earth has changed over the past 10 years.

“Do you know what the real 10-year-challenge is? It is climate change” – tweeted SDG Academy, a UN initiative. They also added that we have just over 10 years to act on the climate before we cause irreparable damage to our planet, encouraging Twitter users to take their free course on #ClimateAction.

The striking images of dying forests, starving animals and shrinking glaciers speak for themselves. Greenpeace used the publicity surrounding the challenge to promote clean energy over fossil fuels, while WWF raised awareness of the fact that the plastic we throw away now will remain almost exactly the same for the next 10 years.

The #10yearchallenge for humanity

There is no doubt that we have come a long way in the past few years. Despite tragic events and the political turmoil of the past decade, it seems that the world is slowly getting better and better.

In fact, the #10yearchallenge post of the Swedish author of several books about economics and globalisation, Johan Norberg, shows that extreme poverty, child mortality and youth literacy dropped significantly, while life expectancy has increased since 2008.

But as we all know, the fight for humanity should never cease. And as Amnesty International’s powerful #10yearchallenge message about the decriminalisation of abortion demonstrates, there is still a long way to go.

We are delighted to see that so many people and organisations found a creative way to convey important messages by using the #10yearchallenge hashtag. Don’t forget, looking back at important achievements is just as important as tackling global challenges – that is why the #10yearchallenge is so popular.

Written by Dóra Rapcsák



The euro turns 20

The New Year began with important news: 1 January 2019 marked the 20th anniversary of perhaps one of the most monumental decisions the EU has ever made – the adoption of the euro.

Although the euro is a relatively new currency, it has become the second most traded currency, behind only the US dollar.

On its 20th birthday, we collected some interesting facts about the euro. Read on and find out what you didn’t know about Europe’s single currency!

Interesting facts about the euro

The Economic and Monetary Union – also known as the eurozone – came into effect on 1 January 1999 with 11 countries who decided to stop using their national currency in favour of a single currency, the euro. For ordinary citizens, however, little changed until euro banknotes and coins were introduced in 2002.

As of 2019, the euro is the currency of 340 million Europeans in 19 Member States. It is also used by four non-EU countries, including Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City.

The symbol of the euro is €, based on the Greek epsilon (ε) character, representing “E” for Europe. The two parallel lines across the centre symbolise stability.

There are seven different banknotes, each one with a different colour, size and face value, while coins are of eight different amounts. The euro notes represent both the EU and the countries: each banknote and coin has a standard EU design on one side and a country-specific design on the other side.

The symbol of the European family

Those who live at the heart of Europe quickly embraced the idea of a single currency. Austria, for example, is only 250 km from Slovenia. Exchanging currencies is expensive, and you can lose even more by changing back what is left at the end of the trip. Thanks to the euro, however, for the last 20 years citizens can travel in the eurozone without having to exchange their currencies.

The euro has also made it easier for Europeans to compare prices across borders, encouraging tourism and international trade among Member States.

Altogether 20 currencies were replaced by the euro, including the German mark, the French franc, the Italian lira and the Austrian schilling. And although adapting to a new currency always raises challenges, the euro is widely recognised as an important element of European integration, and there is little support for abandoning it.

By and large, the adoption of the euro is a success story. Despite its imperfections, it has survived and helped to bring European people and countries closer together. What will the future bring for Europe’s single currency? Only time will tell…

Written by Dóra Rapcsák

The contemporary challenges of electric vehicles

Electric vehicles (EV) have been around since the mid-19th century and, at one point, they seemed to be the future of transportation. However, with the advent of mass production, the affordable price of petroleum, and the technical limitations of the electric motor, internal combustion engines (ICE) gained many advantages over EVs, and they became the standard for car manufacturing, reducing EVs to public transportation (trams, trains etc.), and experimental vehicles. In recent decades, prompted by an environmentally-friendly attitude and a series of oil crises, vehicle manufacturers have been aiming for a more sustainable form of transportation. In this article, we will look at the challenges EV manufacturers have to face in order to become a common sight on our roads.

Unsurprisingly, the most obvious hindrances are cost-related. On the one hand, producing an electric motor is indeed an international venture as the materials needed for the lithium battery are delivered from all over the world. While nickel and aluminium are easily available, the price of lithium is going up due to demand, while cobalt is supplied from the politically-unstable Democratic Republic of Congo, and the majority of the production is used for personal electronic devices, which means that it is not sufficient to satisfy the needs of the EV industry. In addition to that, while in many cases ICEs can be repaired or fixed using DIY methods or at any workshop, EVs are way more complex machines, thus in many cases repairing can be quite an expensive and complicated ordeal; and, on a similar note, the issue of battery recycling is still to be solved.

In the long run, however, electricity is a cheaper fuel and with the adoption of time-of-use pricing by utilities, the recharging costs can also be controlled. Furthermore, new formulae and synthetic materials are being tested and used for the sustainable production of batteries. Finally, the price of EVs has been nosediving since the last decade, while vehicles have become able to travel further on just one charge.

Nevertheless, electricity is still a problematic point. First and foremost, it should be noted that a significant proportion of electricity production is not eco-friendly at all and, as such, it undermines the ecological objectives of EVs. Furthermore, the grid system in its present state will not be able to sustain the capacity required for charging EVs. This is not the only infrastructure obstacle at the moment: the lack of charging stations also hinders the prevalence of EVs.

Still, it should be noted that the transformation to EVs is and continues to be gradual, therefore there will be enough time for utilities to adapt to changing energy consumption habits, which will provide them with new income possibilities. At the same time, EV manufacturers are also experimenting with more effective energy consumption solutions, converting the vehicles from a mode of transportation to mobile energy storage.

Electric vehicles are in constant transformation and car manufacturers are coming up with new solutions to make EVs more and more sustainable and available, with experts expecting that the adoption of EVs will go past the tipping point sometime in the 2020s.

Written by Zsolt Beke

How to meet halfway?

Every year in January we decide to be a better version of ourselves, to reduce stress in our lives, to improve our working methods in order to be more efficient. Easy to say – but how can we make these resolutions work in real life? As a project manager I always face challenges concerning my projects and sometimes it is hard to stick to the usual plan or to well-tried practices. What happens when the client’s workflows are different from ours? What if we have to work under time pressure? How to ensure that each other’s work is efficient and both sides are happy, in the end? How to meet halfway?

Last year we began a great and successful cooperation with a client ( that produces medical products and I have become their dedicated project manager. We receive Italian-Polish translation requests on a daily basis for various kinds of materials. The language combination is remarkable in itself!

At this point more than 130 projects have been completed successfully, and I can say that these projects are my personal favourites, full of challenges and lessons.

Based on these experiences I have collected a few tips to make our projects successful, even if they are not easy to beat:

#Tip 1: Identify risk factors and reduce them

When we receive a project, we always go through the details to gain a clear view of the risk factors. It is very important to check all the details with the client, so that we are on the same wavelength. What they expect – how we can meet their expectations. If we speak the same language from the very beginning and we clarify important details, our cooperation will be smooth.

#Tip 2: Create a workflow that pleases both sides

Naturally every company has its own workflows and when we start our cooperation, we need flexibility to work out methods that will help our collaboration. Our job is to observe and analyse all the factors to be able to come up with perfect processes and solutions. For this, we also need the help of our clients. I remember the first projects of this particular client, when we faced challenges to implement all their needs into our workflows. But after a couple of projects we created a workflow that works flawlessly, even after over a hundred projects.

#Tip 3: Organising materials

Let’s say that the client has a huge campaign with diverse materials: labels, product descriptions, leaflets, website materials, books etc. With these projects, consistency is very important and the key to that is organising materials that consider our needs and goals. When the client has the opportunity to send us all the materials together, this can help to create unified and consistent campaign materials that will serve the client’s needs better. Also, if we take into consideration the financial side, this can result in a smaller project budget, since we undertake one large project instead of many little ones at minimum fees.

#Tip 4: Time management

If someone were to ask me, what is the key to a successful project, my answer would be time management. The ideal delivery date is: as soon as possible. Of course, we always try to meet the client’s needs but we need to see realistically what can be done in a given time frame. If we want translations to be delivered under unrealistic circumstances, it can lead to stress, mistakes, and unsatisfied expectations. Meeting halfway concerning delivery dates is also part of the cooperation. Guaranteeing high quality and agreeing on a reasonable time schedule go hand in hand. And what can help to achieve it? Get ourselves organized and think ahead.

#Tip 5: Thinking ahead

If we know that we will have a large and important project and we also know the details and time schedule in advance, we can communicate this to our language service providers. Why is it good for everybody? We can prepare our team to be ready for it. We can reserve the most suitable linguists for the job and we can also organise our processes accordingly. This way we can save time and stress for both sides.

By Zsanett Kórik, Project Manager at Eurideas Language Experts

Connect with Zsanett on LinkedIn

Old Habits Die Hard – The Case of New Year Resolutions

It is a common perception that breaking habits is difficult. In January, this problem is even more accentuated when people are making resolutions in order to change their lives. While most common promises aim to enhance the quality of life (to improve health/self-care/social relations), most of them do not last until the end of January. In this article, we will list a few tips on how to make a better commitment to your resolutions.

From a psychological point of view, habits are automatic behaviours triggered by the environment, therefore a new habit needs a new environmental trigger. The difficulty here is that it needs to be continuously repeated so that the new behaviour should become automatic, otherwise, the change will wear thin soon. Repetition can be achieved by writing a journal about your resolution, or just leaving a memo somewhere visible; but an accountability partner or a group can also help with reaching the set target – this way you do not just keep each other in line but can share your experiences as well.

One of the most important elements of staying committed to your resolution is if you aim for small changes. When setting a goal, you should not aim high but still be as specific as you can, since the clearer the objective, the easier it is to commit yourself to it. Small changes can be cost-effective as well, for example, you do not have to get a gym subscription to exercise more, you can find a lot of useful videos and guides online to keep your workout varied and still productive. If you decide to develop yourself in smaller steps, it is also easier to adjust your intentions in case you face some difficulties.

Self-motivation is just as important. Resolutions require less effort if they are inspired by a proper reason and not just some general sentiment; also, a resolution with emotional attachment provides some “added value” to your commitment. You should, however, keep in mind that there will always be tough moments or situations; you can easily overcome these if you prepare yourself for such instances. It is also worth mentioning that an occasional relapse is a normal part of habit formation, so do not be hard on yourself if there are days when you simply give in to your old self.

Still, resolutions are long-term commitments, and their objectives are reached gradually, step by step. Therefore – and it is crucial – do not regard it as a failure if you fail one or two steps or even your whole resolution falls through; consider it as part of the learning curve and, if possible, re-evaluate and adjust your goals. All in all, the main reason behind your resolutions is to enhance your life, and while they do indeed require patience and perseverance they should, in the first place, make yourself feel better about yourself, and once this is achieved, you will be unstoppable.

Written by Zsolt Beke