Three things that help Eurideas win a client

What makes a successful translation agency? We all have our own answers to this question: a list of skills, abilities, principles and other factors. Do these ingredients change from time to time? Most certainly. Let’s see what three skills helped Eurideas Language Experts win a major client in 2019.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international independent standards organization, contacted us with a request to help in translating their GRI Standards, that represent global best practice for reporting publicly on a range of economic, environmental and social impacts, into Italian. Having considerable experience in the field of economics, environment and social affairs, we were happy to participate in the project.

Translation and typesetting works were scheduled to take 7 months. The translatable volume amounted to 151,000 words and close to 600 pages had to be typeset. The documents were to be sent in three separate batches: a glossary first, then universal standards, followed by topic-specific standards. After a thorough preparation period, our team comprising one dedicated project manager and several translators, proofreaders, technical experts, quality assurance specialists and typesetters started work.


Our flexibility in terms of time and capacity was decisive for our success. Planning is key to complex projects. However, in this case, there were so many variables, from the availability of client reviewers to content created along the way, that timelines and work processes had to be rescheduled again and again. Reviewers of the client needed more time than anyone had anticipated to come to an agreement about the proper translation of certain terms, which meant that our linguists had to update the Italian text several times. To ensure seamless operation on the client’s side, we were as flexible as possible with turnaround times, and made partial deliveries.


We know the language industry inside out. (Most of) Our clients don’t. It is our job to recommend solutions and come up with ideas they would not think of. Highlighting the importance of a translated glossary, suggesting a file format different from MS Word, or offering the possibility of typesetting together with the translation – they all were appreciated by GRI.

Since consistency was a matter of priority, valuable questions, queries and comments coming from our linguists also contributed to a high-quality translation.

Solid technical background

At Eurideas we have all the software and expertise at hand to complete projects efficiently and cost-effectively, while minimizing the risk of errors.

For the GRI project members of the team worked online with a computer-assisted translation software, ensuring faster project preparation and allowing everyone to work in parallel and transparently.

Today even small-scale translation projects are inconceivable without cutting edge technology. The latest information technology environment, qualified technical specialists and automated work processes are an integral part of every translation project, and these are just as decisive for the ultimate success of a project as are the translators.

Since the delivery of the last part of the complete Italian translation package (available here online), we have received new assignments from GRI. This is what Eurideas measures success in: returning clients.

Written by Anita Salát, Communication and Business Development Manager at Eurideas Language Experts

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Case studies: